Commentary on Psalm 91:7 – God Is Our Reliance in Disasters

As Disasters Are Upon Us, How Can We Gain God’s Protection?

It is said in the Bible, “A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you” (Psalm 91:7). After reading this scripture, many people have more faith and think that disasters shall not come near them. But is that true? Now the whole world is experiencing frequent disasters and the pandemic, earthquakes, floods, famines, and wars are growing. More and more people have died in disasters and even some priests and believers who appeared to be pious also passed away. We are unavoidably worried for the sake of the safety of ourselves and our family. At the same time, we feel confused: Exactly what kind of people can receive protection during disasters just as the scripture says “it shall not come near you”? Many people are also perplexed by this question. In fact, as long as we understand why God allows so many disasters, we will know what kind of people can gain God’s protection during disasters.

In recent years, all kinds of disasters have been frequent. This fulfills the prophecy of the Lord’s return, “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:8). This indicates that the Lord has come back. Only if we welcome the Lord’s return can we have the chance to gain God’s protection during disasters. Through the disasters, God also warns those who have hearts and spirits to quickly seek to welcome the Lord’s return so as to gain God’s care and protection. It’s just as God says, “Today, not only am I descending upon the nation of the great red dragon, I am also turning to face the entire universe, causing the entire empyrean to quake. Is there a single place anywhere that is not subject to My judgment? Is there a single place that does not exist under calamities that I rain down upon it? Everywhere I go, I have scattered all sorts of ‘seeds of disaster.’ This is one of the ways in which I work, and is without doubt an act of salvation for humanity, and what I extend to them is still a kind of love.” “In this stage of the work, because God wishes to reveal all of His deeds throughout the world so that all humans who have betrayed Him will come again to submit before His throne, God’s judgment will still contain His mercy and lovingkindness. God uses current events throughout the world as opportunities to cause humans to feel panic, spurring them to seek God so that they may flow back to be before Him. Thus, God says, ‘This is one of the ways in which I work, and is without doubt an act of salvation for humanity, and what I extend to them is still a kind of love.’

Now, the Lord Jesus has come back and He is Christ of the last days, Almighty God. Almighty God has expressed all truths to save mankind and started the work of saving and purifying mankind, so that we can escape sin and get purified, survive disasters, and enter the beautiful destination that God has prepared for us—the heavenly kingdom. Therefore, we should welcome the Lord’s return and accept God’s final salvation; only in this way can we have the chance to gain God’s protection in disasters and become the people that disasters don’t come near.

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